Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 6/28/24

Year: 2024

The Journal of Defence and War Studies June 2024


   SAVSAD (The journal of War and Defense Research) aims to contribute to national and international scientific knowledge by providing a place for interdisciplinary research in the context of war, national defense and security concepts, as well as social sciences and humanities, and supporting the interaction between researchers and practitioners at the academic level.

SAVSAD publishes interdisciplinary research in various fields of social sciences and humanities, as well as war research, military history, defense management, national defense, intelligence, international security studies, law of armed conflict and war, national defense and security in English and Turkish languages by carefully evaluating qualified and original studies in accordance with scientific norms and scientific ethics.


1. Studies/articles should be prepared and sent to the journal according to the writing rules being explained in the following steps below. Studies/articles that are not due to the Journal of Defence and War Studies Guidelines will be sent back to the author before the referees’ evaluation. If the article is not due again, it will be rejected.
2. The articles/studies should be prepared in plain language and in accordance with Turkish Spelling Dictionary(2018) of Turkish Language Society
3. Articles/studies should be in 5000-15000 word limits, Times New Roman 12 font, justified, single-spaced and convenient to A4 sheet. Spaces should be right:4 cm, left:4 cm, bottom:4,6 cm, top:4,6 cm, and gutter:0. The paragraphs should start at an indent; spacing should be 6 nk for the first level and 12 nk for the second level titles and applied both before and after. The title of the study should be Times New Roman 14 font size, bold and centered. The names of the authors should be stated below the title with a footnote. In the footnote, the liaison author’s title, address of author’s organization (school, university, faculty, and departments should be stated clearly), e-mail, and ORCID number. Other authors’ titles and the addresses of their organizations, e-mails, and ORCID numbers should be stated followingly. Related JEL code of the studies/ articles should be put at the end of the title with capital letters in parenthesis 
4. The studies/articles prepared in Turkish should include ABSTRACT (not more than 250-word, for English 300 words), ARTICLE TYPE, KEY WORDS (3 to 10 words), and JEL CODE in Turkish, followed by title (in small letters with first letters capital), abstract, article type, jel code and key words in English. The rules for the studies/articles in English should follow the same rules but vice versa for the language. Both of these abstracts should be in Times New Roman 12 font, single-spaced, and in italics. 
5. A 500-1500-word Extended Summary that is convenient to scientific writing rules should be located after References. The Extended Summary (composed of Introduction, Main Titles, and a Conclusion) will be written in English for articles/studies in Turkish, and in Turkish for articles/studies in English (Times New Roman 12 font, single-spaced).
6. Technical words should be in quotation marks or be explained. Abbreviations should not be used for concepts. Variations should be explained with general statements, rather than using abbreviations. Any language that may cause misunderstandings should be avoided. 
7. The tables, figures and graphs should be numbered (Figure 1, Table, and Graph 1). The titles of tables should be at the top, while the titles of figures and graphs should be at the bottom of the figure. These titles should be centered and the first letter should be uppercased. Reference or other information to be given for the tables, figures and graphs should be at the bottom, italic and with no title. The content, title, reference and information about the tables, figures graphs should be in Times New Roman 10 font size. For the statistics, no more than three numbers should be used after the comma. Equations should have a number that should be in brackets and located at the right side of the sheet.
8. Five title levels are used in the Journal of Defence and War Studies in addition to INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION, REFERENCE, GENİŞLETİLMİŞ ÖZET parts and these five levels should not be exceeded, if it is not compulsory. Titles should not have numbers. 

First Level [1. level]

Second Level [2. level]
(1,25 cm)Third Level [3. level]
(1,25 cm)Fourth Level [4. level]
(1,25 cm)Fifth Level [5. level]

9. Endnotes should be avoided at the most possible level. If it is necessary to use endnotes, those endnotes must be given with numbers and references to the end notes must be given at the end of the article before References. Each article in listings should be in one indent and numbered. If there is no priority between the articles, the symbol shown below is also applicable: 
    1. The devotion of workers, 
    2. The motivation of workers… 
    • This symbol is also applicable.

10. Each tested hypothesis should be indicated separately and numbered individually (Hypothesis 1, Hypothesis 1a, 1b). Hypotheses should be in one indent and in italics. For example; 
    Hypothesis 1: The managers working on public organizations have higher power space than the managers working on private institutions.

11. Appendixes should be titled as “Appendix A”, “Appendix B” and should be convenient to titling rules. The tables in appendixes should be titled as (Table A1,B1).

12. Citations should be arranged alphabetically according to the last names of authors. In different studies of the same author/authors, the study with previous date should be stated before. The same studies of the same author/authors should include “a”,”b”, “c” next to the year in which the study was completed. Fundamentally, any reference can be cited as in the example shown below:
Name and Year: Organizational Premises, Organizational Justice Perception (Brewer and Cramer, 1986; Cramer, 2005a, 2005b; Lipponen, 2001, 2006)
Only Year: Mael and Ashforth (1992) 
In studies with multiple authors, the first citation should include the names of all authors. Following citations should be abbreviated by using “et. all” If there are six or more authors, it can be stated as “et. all” after the last name of the author.

13. Citation giving rules and examples in the article are below:

One-author article: 
(Yeşilyurt, 2015, s. 58)

Two-author article:
(Yıldız ve Şahin, 2014)

Three-four or Five author article:
While giving citation to three-four or five author articles, the surnames of the authors must be given only for the first citation. For the following citations the first author’s surname and “et al.” must be used.
First citation : (Kara, Şenoğlu, Yalçıner ve Doğan, 2012)
Following citations: (Kara and et al., 2011)

Six or more author article:
While giving citation to six or more author articles the first author’s surname and “et al.” must be used.
(Yılmaz and et al., 2006)

14. If paraphrasing is difficult or causing vagueness, the quoted text with less than 40 words should be in quotation marks and the page number of the original document should be written. For example: (Öztürk, 2003, s. 147). Quoted texts with 40 or more words should be in quotation marks, two times indented, and paragraph (para.15) or page (p.25) should be stated at the end.

15. In studies with no names, the name of the periodical can be used as the name of the author. For example: (Wall Street Journal, 2009), (The Ministry of Trade, 1999). To state multiple sources in the same parentheses, they should be in alphabetical order, and a semicolon should separate each. For example: (Abrahams, 2000; Sullivan and Hellman, 1999). Secondary sources should be stated as (Blau, from Tamer in 1963, 2003), according to Tamer (2003) referencing Blau (1964).

16. When citing electronic sources, general rules are valid (last name, year). If the information is not reachable, the link of the source should be stated in parentheses. When citing a very professional web site, database or the website of a project, the link should be stated in parentheses and the source should be stated in the References as shown in the example. For example: The web site of the UNICEF facilitates to reach various sources which operates for the welfare of the children worldwide (http://www.unicef.org).

17. Acknowledgements: If there is any party that you would like to mention for their fiscal or other contributions, you are allowed to add a note at the end of the study and express your gratitude.

18. The References should be in 12 font size. For detailed information, see APA 6 (Publication Manual of American Psychological Association) scientific writing rules. Some examples of writing rules are given below: 

Brannick, M.T., Levine, E.L. ve Morgeson, F.P. (2007). Job and work analysis. London: Sage.
Bloch S. ve Whiteley P. (2010). Düz bir dünyada yöneticilik. (Çev. Ü. Şensoy), İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları.
O'Reilly, C., Snyder R. ve Boothe J. (1993). Effects of executive team demography on organizational change. İçinde G. Humber ve W. Glick (Ed.), Organizational Change and Redesign: Ideas and Insights for Improving Performance (ss. 147-175). New York: Oxford University Press. 

Levine, E.L., Ash, R.A. ve Bennett, N. (1980). Exploratory comparative study of four job analysis methods. Journal of Applied Psychology, 3(1), 524-535. 

Unpublished Studies (Postgraduate and Doctoral Dissertations)
Dağ, İ. (1990). Kontrol odağı, stresle başa çıkma stratejileri ve psikolojik belirti gösterme ilişkileri. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. 
Welch, K.E. (Basım aşamasında). Technical communication and physical location: Topoi and architecture in computer classrooms. Technical Communication Quarterly,14(3).

Congress Announcements
Gürbüz, S. (2008). Stratejik insan kaynakları yönetiminin örgütsel performansa etkisi: Türkiye’nin en büyük 500 sanayi kuruluşu üzerinde bir araştırma. 16. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 16-18 Mayıs, Antalya, 899-903. 

Shotton, M.A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. Retrieved from http://www.ebookstore.tandf.co.uk/ html/index. 


1. The Journal belongs to Turkish Military Academy Deanery. The Journal of Defence and War Studies  is a double-blind refereed, social sciences journal, published semiannually (June-December) by the Dean’s Office of Turkish Military Academy since 2006. 

2. The Journal of Defence and War Studies can not be sold or bought. The journal doesn’t charge the authors for any process of the publication.

3. The names and e-mails appearing in the Journal will only be used in compliance with the Journal’s purpose. 

4.The linguistic, scientific and legal responsibility of the articles published in The Journal of Defence and War Studies belongs to the author. Publication rights belong to The Journal of Defence and War Studies. The printing and publishing rights are transfered to the Journal once the article is submitted. The published article can not be reprinted, reproduced, or reused in another publishing without the editor’s permission and it can only be used by giving reference. Editorial Board is free to publish the submitted articles.

5. Ideas and opinions in these studies completely belong to the author and do not represent the official declarations or statements of the Turkish Armed Forces. The author is completely responsible for erroneous information, deficient data or any other distortions. The data used on each study must be preserved by the author for following five years. There is no copyright payment for the article sent to the journal.

6. Submitted articles are put in the order of priority by the Editorial Board and evaluated in terms of their suitability to the Journal’s principles and guidelines. If the submitted article doesn’t comply with the scientific measures and ethical/publication principles of the Journal and has more spelling mistakes than acceptable, it is sent to the author before being sent to the referee. The Editorial Board has the right to reject the submitted article directly.

7. The articles less than 5000 words or more than 15000 words aren’t accepted except for the Editorial Board’s special consent.

8. The Articles submitted to the Journal are forwarded to the referees (two referees) of the particular scientific by hiding the identity of the author if the articles meet the formatting requirement mentioned in the text formatting section and the publication board finds it appropriate for the subject. As the necessity of double-blind referee system, the article is sent to the referees with no name and information of the author on it. Similarly, any information of the referee isn’t given to the author of the article in this respect. If the evaluation of both referees turn out to be positive, the article is accepted for publication. In case one of the evaluation is positive and the other one is negative, the article is forwarded to a third referee. In the event that the editors or referees of the Journal request a change/correction in the text of candidate's article in terms of format, method or content, this situation is reported to the author and he/she is asked to amend the text again and deliver it in 10 days at the latest. The author can only make corrections in accordance with the referee’s evaluations and findings. The amended text can be reviewed again in case the referee deems it necessary. 
The articles submitted to the Journal are published with a final decision of the Editorial Board after two referees give approval as ''publishable''. The reasons why the articles are rejected are explained to the authors by the editors but the Journal doesn’t have to give any reason why the article is rejected. The articles submitted to the Journal are not given back even they are published or not and the rejected articles aren’t evaluated again.

For Authors

1. To be accepted to the Journal, articles should be unique, convenient to scientific studies and methodologies, and should contribute to current applications and theories. Articles can be written either in English or in Turkish. The articles should not be published or sent to be published to any domestic or foreign party before. It is not under the Journal’s responsibility to search this issue. Its ethical responsibility is the author’s. The submission of the article is considered to be the commitment of the author in this respect. 

2.The submitted articles that were presented in scientific meetings such as congress, symposium, seminar etc. can be accepted if they have not been published in the related proceedings document and this must be explicitly stated by the article author(s).

3. If any search, data collection, analysis, research result etc. within the context of the submitted article were used in any published study, it must be stated in both the article and its reference part.

4. In the event of having more than one author in the article, all authors undertake having equal responsibility and contributing equally to whole process of the article including planning, research, preparing, organising, drafting, writing and submitting the last version of the article. If the participation rate differs, the authors must submit participation rate declaration.

5. The submitted articles can not include fabricated (untrue) information in research, data collection, analysis, research results etc. issues.

6. The authors must show in their articles that they have not only referred to the sources supporting the idea/result of the article bu also the ones supporting the opposing opinions in both the article and reference.

7. The articles that are supported by a research institute (TÜBİTAK, TÜİK, Tütk Tarih Kurumu etc.) must state the name, date and number of the project in the footnote.

8. The name, place and date of the meeting must be stated in congress or symposium papers.

9. The articles sent to the Journal are regularly examined against plagiarism. The application named iThenticate is used to prevent plagiarism.
10. The Articles submitted to the Journal have to be prepared in accordance with The Directives of Scientific Search and Publication Ethics of the Board of Higher Education (Date: 10 November 2016, Number: 2016.23.497) and The Directives of Scientific Search and Publication Ethics of National Defense University and with the standards of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) (http://publicationethics.org/international-standart-editors-and-authors).

11. If the submitted article includes any research applied on humans/animals or any personal information to be shared, the author of the article must submit the proper permission documents taken from an authorised Research Ethics Committee. Such articles will not be accepted without a proper permission document. The situations that necessitate Research Ethics Committee approval are as follows: The researches that are carried out with qualitative and quantitative approaches necessiating data gathering by using questionnaire, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview technics; using of humans or animals for experimental or another scientific purposes; clinical researches on humans or animals. Consent form must be submitted in case reports. A permission document signed by the participiants whose scale, questionnaire, photos are put in the study must be submitted to the Journal. It is obligatory to abide by the copyright issues.

12. In the event of finding that a study doesn’t comply with academic and ethic principles, the process is stopped and the study is rejected.

13. The extended summary must include the aim, problem, method, findings, and the result information of the research. It is important for your article to be referred from abroad. The extended summary mustn’t include any findings or results that aren’t given in the article. The author mustn’t refer to the article in the extended summary (E.g: As mentioned in page 2 of the article, as mentioned in the introduction part etc.) 

14. The authors must certainly state “This study was prepared in compliance with the scientific search and publication ethics. There is no content necessitating any permission from Ethical Board or any legal/special permission in this study. We/I, as the author(s) of the article, signed our/my declaration certifying that there was no conflict of interest in our/my article.” in the abstract.

For Referees

1. The referees are the fundemental elements to determine whether the submitted article is scientificaly, grammatically, ethically and academicaly suitable to be published in The Journal of Defence and War Studies .

2. The referees must accept only the articles that they are qualified of evaulating according to their academic expertise.

3. The referees must abide by the rules of double-blind referee system and respect the confidentiality of the process and act accordingly.

4. The referees can’t share any information in the article with the other parties.

5. The referees must abide by the principles of impartiality. They must evaluate the article in terms of scientific measures, its contribution to the field, the correctness of its content, its academic and grammatical suitability.

6. The referees must strongly abstain from using any kind of offensive, humiliating or accusatory statements in their reports.

7. The referees must use clear and detailed statements about the article. For the article they don’t approve to be published, they must give concrete reasons explaining the missing or faulty points.

8. The referees must evaluate the authors’ loyalty to the objectivity principles. The referees must feel content that the author does not only refer to the sources that support the argument in the article but also refer to the ones that support the other opinions as well.

9. The referees must evaluate the article within 30 days. They must inform the Editorial Board as soon as possible if they can’t evaluate.

10. When the referees realise/suspect that there is a conflict of interest in the study, they must inform the editorial board and if necessary reject the article.

For Editors

1. The editors must accept the articles that will contribute to the field in compliance with the search and ethical rules and text formatting of the Journal.

2. The editors mustn’t be in any conflict of interest with the accepted/rejected articles.

3. The editors have the whole responsibility and authority to accept/reject the article.

4. The Publication Committee, Responsible Editor and Editorial Secretariat are obliged to keep all studies confidential until they are published. They can’t give any details to anyone except the authors.

5. It is the editors responsibility to keep any information of the referees and the authors mutually confidential in compliance with double-blind referee system.

6. The editors must check the article in terms of plagiarism before the evaluation process and take necessary measures to prevent plagiarism.

7. It is the editors responsibility to fulfill plagiarism scanning, pre-evaluation, referee process, editing and publishing process in time and flawlessly.

8. The editors must comply with the research and ethical rules and academic standarts when accepting or rejecting the articles.

For Readers

If the readers find an important error or mistake in the article or find an editoryal content problem (plagiarism, repeated article etc.), they will be highly welcomed when they inform the Editorial Board via savsad@kho.msu.edu.tr and it will be reacted immediately.

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